16 STEPS to create a released product
1 In this tutorial we are going to create a simple product. We will make sure the product is released and set the stock model of the product to a FIFO stock model.
First step is to open Dashboard Finance and Operations and click the menu on the left
2 Click the Product information management on the menu on the right hand side.
Product Information Management is one of the many menus under the modules menu. This menu will allow you to access the product area of Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations.
3 Navigate to the main page and under the products main table click the sub menu called released products.
You can also create a product via the product menu. For this tutorial we will create a released product.
4 Now the released product screen is displayed. This displays all the released products in a grid.
Click the New button on the menu bar. Using the hotkey (Alt+N) will also open the new product menu.
5 A create new product page is opened on the right hand side. This is a quick form which allows you to fill in product information fairly quickly. In this example we are going to fill in seven fields.
Click the Product number field.
6 In the Product number field type the product number. For This example I am going to used FIFOTEST as a product number
7 In the Product name field type the product name. For This example I am going to used FIFO Product Test as a product name.
Once this is typed in the search name is also automatically filled in.
8 The next field to fill in is the Item Model group. This is an important field to select and will control how the field behaves in relation to inventory or stock management.
Click the arrow on the right hand side of the field to display the options.
9 Clicking the dropdown will display all the Item model group options. In this example we are going to select the FIFO or First In-First Out item model group.
10 Next field to complete is the storage dimensions group. Click the down arrow to display all the possible storage dimensions available
11 In this example we are going to select a storage dimension group of site, warehouse.
This means we are going to track the stock of this item by site and also by warehouse.
12 Next we are going to complete the tracking dimension. This field controls how are are going to track this item in relation to inventory management. Click the down arrow to see the available options.
13 Click None in the available options. We are not planning to track this item.
14 The last field are are going to complete is the pruchase price. Click the Purchase Price and enter a value
15 Type a Purchase price, this is the basic price to give an item
16 That's all there is to it. In this tutorial you have created a released product.
The main task was to assign a FIFO stock model to the product which was done by setting the item model group. We also added basic stock and tracking dimensions.